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  • {{ first name | business buyers }}, exclusive deals for you? ⭐

business buyers, exclusive deals for you? ⭐

From Firearms to Plumbing to Vegan Cafes for sale.

Hey business buyers, lets get your 2024 started right!

Here is your weekly dose of interesting potential businesses to buy.

I have noticed a surge in enquiries this week.

Lots of people are exploring buying a business.

So here are 3 quick tips to help you, when first enquiring:

  1. Don’t overthink your first enquiry
    Don’t worry are not required to buy the business when you send an email enquiry. It is just a great first step to learn more about the business and see if you are a good fit.

  2. Personalise your enquiry
    Sellers get a lot of enquiries and most people use the same templated message. Just personalising the name or a bit about you, makes your enquiry stand out more than the 90%.

  3. Time commitment
    It takes a while to find your perfect business. You can set up a Search Alert to do the heavy lifting for you. Get notified every week with any new businesses that match your perfect search criteria.

10 Interesting Business For Sale this Week

Business For Sale around Australia

Broker Spotlight 🔦

Till next Tuesday,
Sam from BusinessForSale.com.au

PS. Looking to sell your business?
Reply to this email and I can help feature your business in this email next week.